Our asset reconstruction services help clients in consolidating their focus and unlock the resources through acquisitions, takeovers, sell offs and joint ventures. The goal is to maximize economic returns from assets employed.
Our strength in asset reconstruction lies in our network across various industries and know-how which our Team has gathered with years of experience. This allows us to bring the right buyer and seller together and formulate an appropriate resolution strategy after a detailed assessment of their individual requirements. We have also increased access to numerous opportunities available through our engagement with banks and other asset reconstruction companies.
Our wide range of Asset Reconstruction Services consists of :
- Identification of distress asset acquisition opportunities
- Assessing synergies between the buyers and sellers
- Market Research & Analysis
- Asset valuation/ Business valuation
- Due diligence & Resolution strategies
- Fulfilling and assessing legal aspects
- Interim Business asset management
- Arranging the lease/hire of business assets
We assist the Banks/FIs in strategies to reduce their NPAs. We offer tailor made services to meet the the needs of the Banks/FIs in a cost effective manner.
Through our cost effective operations and quick decision making process, we are successful in converting these assets into liquid form, economically. With diverse experience within the Team in sanctions, disbursements and recovery of terms loans/working capital loans including takeover of assets, their marketing, final sale and legal aspects involved, we help the Banks/FIs to carry out the process in a cost effective manner.
Our integrated proficiency provides in-depth solutions to maximize asset recovery. We have a highly skilled team of professionals to provide Asset Management solutions to financial institutions, special servicers, government agencies, investors, developers and owners with stressed assets.
We assists our clients with workout, foreclosure, restructuring, asset management and disposition processes for clients from owners, banks, large institutions and servicers.
Our professionals have wide experience in every major product segment including land, industrial infrastructure, offices, retail assets, hospitality among others.
To provide a wide range of specialized services, we have partnered with asset management companies, law firms and other service providers in this space.